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jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011


When you were close to tears remember: some day it'll all be over.
One day we are gonna get so high-

And thought it's darker than December,
what's ahead is a different colour
one day we gonna get so high.

And at the end of the day;we'll remember the days we were so close to the edge, we'll remember it was me and you.
Cause we are gonna be forever you and me. You will always keep me flying the the sky of love. 

Don't you think it's time you started, doing what we always wanted?. Cause even the imposible is easy when we got each other...


1 comentario:

  1. no me habia dado cuenta de tu anterior entrada... pero creo qe tengo derecho a echarte la bronca!
    el NUNCA, te lo repito nuuuunca te va a dejar. Le enamoraste asi, como tu eres con tus cosas nose, si cambias como te dijo lullaby dejaras de ser tu, y quiza entocnes sea cuando le puedas perder.
    Y si siempre lullaby dice qe eres fuerte... ademas de qe lo has demostrado, vuelve a serlo, qe puedes.
    se fuerte marina.

    un besito!


Gracias por alegrarme el día con tus palabras :)